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DUI And The Military


Veterans Diversion Program

1001.80 PC- Military Diversion


This is a great additional dismissal for active duty or veterans of a United States Military Agency (Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines & U.S. National Guard).  The requirements for dismissal are simple.  You must be accepted into the program and successfully complete court ordered counselling.




1. Criminal Charges must be misdemeanors (no felonies)


2. You are active duty military of a veteran


3. You have a history or a current diagnosis of PTSD, Sexual Abuse, Traumatic Brain Injury, some other psychological issue (anxiety or depression etc...)


4. The event described in number 3 above must be service connected as established by either the VA or a private psychologist or psychiatrist evaluation.


We have placed many clients in this program.  All have graduated and their cases fully dismissed.

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DUI Case .15% Alcohol Level.

Result- Case Dismissed By Way Of Military Diversion.

People v. Corey C.

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